Valon Lluka
Valon Lluka Chairman of the Board
Mr. Lluka was appointed Chairman of the Board of Banka Ekonomike in June 2021.
Valon Lluka is also the Executive Director of Mabetex Holding JSC, responsible for running the affairs of said company and all companies that are part of Mabetex Holding JSC. Lluka has held this position since 2012.
During his professional experience, Lluka has proven capable of leading projects in various fields in the country and abroad, such as Albania, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Kazakhstan, the United Arab Emirates, the Republic of Ghana, Nigeria. 
With 13 years of banking experience, starting from various supervisory positions at ProCredit Bank Kosovo, then ProCredit Bank Albania, and continuing in the position of General Manager of Banka Ekonomike in Kosovo for 5 years, Lluka has contributed to the development of the banking sector as a new post-war sector in Kosovo.
Lluka was appointed Honorary Consul of the Republic of Ghana to the Republic of Kosovo in 2015. While he was holding this position, Lluka worked very closely with businesses in Kosovo and Albania, offering various business opportunities in the Republic of Ghana. 
He was also a board member of the American Chamber of Commerce, the Kosovo Banking Association, Swiss Diamond Hotel, and Hirano Mushroom LLC.
Lluka is the co-author of the professional book, “Money, Banks, and Financial Markets.” 
Lirim Shulina
Lirim Shulina Vice-Chairman

Mr. Shulina is Finance Director of the Exclusive Group (Maxi Hypermarket, NEXT, Pharma EXCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE, McCroft TOBACCO), which is responsible for organizing and overseeing all financial and accounting functions in the Company; Reporting to the Board of Directors and the shareholders of the Company; and also responsible for the organization and creation of accounting policies, preparation of strategic plans, budgets and corporate financial planning, preparation of the financial statements, income statement, balance sheet, reports of corporate shareholders, tax reports.

Mr. Shulina has enviable financial sector experience with the following companies: HOTEL Iliria as CFO, PHOENIX Pharma LLC as financial advisor, EUROPE LEK PHARMA and PHOENIX Pharma LLC, where he prepared the merger plan and merger agreement. Preparation of financial statements and entry into a surviving company at PHOENIX Pharma "L.L.C., then Mccroft Tobacco Kosovo L.L.C Preparation of investment plans in the production process Investment management under the privatization contract with the KPA Reporting to the Surveillance Authority of the Agency for Privatization. 

Njomza Hoxha
Njomza Hoxha Member

Ms. Hoxha was appointed to the Board of Economic Bank (Banka Ekonomike) in May 2018. Her successful career began in the exam department at Deloitte in Pristina, where she reached a senior position. As part of this engagement, she has audited financial institutions, including banks, financial institutions and microfinance institutions, insurance companies, central and local government institutions, non-governmental organizations, large private companies, etc. Then she continues her career advising as Senior Project Manager and Senior Analyst by implementing projects that affect the economic development of the country.

Since 2015, she has been involved as a specialist and financial advisor in various projects funded by various donors, such as the World Bank and USAID, and run by public institutions at a central level. Ms. Hoxha is also a real estate appraiser with a degree of 1A, this profession she practices at "ProCredit Bank" Sh.a.where she works closely with the court, and legal entities.

 Ms. Hoxha holds a Masters degree in Banking, Finance and Accounting from the Faculty of Economics at the University of Prishtina. 

Albulena Shala
Albulena Shala Anëtare
Albulena Shala ka përfunduar studimet BA dhe MA për Banka dhe Financa, në Fakultetin Ekonomik të Universitetit
të Prishtinës “Hasan Prishtina”. Në vitin 2018, ka përfunduar studimet e doktoratës në fushën e sektorit bankar në
Fakultetin Ekonomik (UP). Albulena ka përfunduar vitin e parë për Teknik të Kontabilitetit në SCAAK.
Ka mbi dhjetë vite që punon si ligjëruese në institucione të arsimit të lartë publike dhe private. Aktualisht është
Profesor asistent në Fakultetin Ekonomik të UP. Ligjëron lëndët në nivelin BA dhe MA në fushën e bankave dhe
financave: Bankat dhe afarizmi bankar, Menaxhmenti bankar, Teknologjia financiare, Financat Digjitale,
Instrumente Derivateve. Nga viti 2021, është eksperte e jashtme ne COST ACTION 19130 ((CA19130 - Fintech and
Artificial Intelligence in Finance - Towards a transparent financial industry (FinAI)). Nga muaj gusht i vitit 2024
është emëruar anëtare në Bord të Drejtorëve të Bankës Ekonomike.
Ka marrë pjesë si anëtare e komiteteve shkencore dhe organizative në shumë konferenca ndërkombëtare, si psh:
Women in Fintech and AI 4, "Women in Fintech III Conference", “Women in Fintech and AI II Conference”,
“Women in Fintech”, etj. Ka të publikuar disa publikime shkencore në revista ndërkombëtare në fushën e sektorit
bankar, teknologjisë financiare dhe ESG.
Senida Mesi
Senida Mesi Member
Ms. Mesi has been appointed as a Member of the Board of Directors, of the Economic Bank in July 2024.
With an experience of 15 years in the banking system as a senior manager and extended board member at ProCreditBank, Albania and as adjunct- professor for 17 years at the University "Luigj Gurakuqi" Shkodër in the Faculty of Economics. Ms. Mesi held the position of Deputy Prime Minister (2017-2019) and Member of Parliament in the IX Legislature (2017-2021) of the Republic of Albania. She was a member of the municipal council of Shkodër, Albania (2015-2017).
She is an international consultant and speaker focusing on Sustainability, Development Finance, Business Innovation and Digital Banking, Good Governance and Public Administration and has worked with International Institutions such as:
  • The European Commission, a member of the High Level Expert Group (HLEG) for scaling up sustainable finance in low and middle income countries.
  • Council of Europe, international consultant for the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities and the Expertise Center for Good Governance with a focus on increasing the quality of local and regional democracy in member states and neighboring regions, SDG localization and Public Administration.
  • OECD_ SIGMA, international consultant for evaluation and support of Public Administration Reform in the region
She is a pro-bono member of the Governing Council of the UN SDSN_ Western Balkans organization (United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network), member of the International Advisory Board of ALDA _ European Association for Local Democracy, (Strasbourg, Brussels, Vicenza) and the Athena School of Management in Mumbai, India.
Ms. Mesi holds a Master in Management, Business Administration from the University of Tirana and a Diploma in Banking from "ProCredit Academy" Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Ms. Mesi is a Chartered Public Accountant and has a postgraduate diploma in "Political Studies and Leadership" from the Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France and George Washington University, USA_ Center for Excellence in Public Leadership, as well as a diploma from SDG Academy in "Macroeconomics for Sustainable Planet".
Shpend Luzha
Shpend Luzha Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Luzha joined Banka Ekonomike in May of 2015 as a member of the Board of Directors. Since 2015 he has served also as a chairman of the Board and various Board level committes. Starting from April 2021, Mr. Luzha was pointed as CEO of Banka Ekonomike. Previously he worked for almost seven years for Raiffeisen Kosovo, where lastly he served as Managing Director of Raiffeisen Leasing and Raiffeisen Insurance Broker Kosovo. At the beginning of his career, based in New York, Mr. Luzha spent nearly four years in the securities lending business including Merill Lynch (now part of Bank of America) and Deutsche Bank. Mr. Luzha holds a degree in BBA from Baruch College, part of CUNY, with focus in Finance and Investments.