Mr. Lluka was appointed Chairman of the Board of Banka Ekonomike in June 2021.
Valon Lluka is also the Executive Director of Mabetex Holding JSC, responsible for running the affairs of said company and all companies that are part of Mabetex Holding JSC. Lluka has held this position since 2012.
During his professional experience, Lluka has proven capable of leading projects in various fields in the country and abroad, such as Albania, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Kazakhstan, the United Arab Emirates, the Republic of Ghana, Nigeria.
With 13 years of banking experience, starting from various supervisory positions at ProCredit Bank Kosovo, then ProCredit Bank Albania, and continuing in the position of General Manager of Banka Ekonomike in Kosovo for 5 years, Lluka has contributed to the development of the banking sector as a new post-war sector in Kosovo.
Lluka was appointed Honorary Consul of the Republic of Ghana to the Republic of Kosovo in 2015. While he was holding this position, Lluka worked very closely with businesses in Kosovo and Albania, offering various business opportunities in the Republic of Ghana.
He was also a board member of the American Chamber of Commerce, the Kosovo Banking Association, Swiss Diamond Hotel, and Hirano Mushroom LLC.
Lluka is the co-author of the professional book, “Money, Banks, and Financial Markets.”